German and Dutch architects and developers meet: Der Elefantenkäfig Return Visit (YD2M4-R) – Architectuur Lokaal

nieuwsbericht | januari 26, 2022


The Dutch Consulate (Generalkonsulat des Königreichs der Niederlande) and NRW.International, in cooperation with Architectuur Lokaal, are organising a two-day excursion for attendees. These are young developers and designers. The tour, with the theme ‘Empty Buildings and Re-Use’, will include some special projects in Amsterdam, The Hague and Rotterdam. The excursion will take place on 30 November and 1 December.

In April 2012 the Dutch Consulate in Dusseldorf organised a number of meetings, the so-called ‘Month of Dutch Architecture’. The meetings were aimed at promoting Dutch knowledge and conceptual intelligence in Germany. Vacant buildings and redevelopment are important future tasks in both Germany and the Netherlands. That is why Architectuur Lokaal was asked to organise a discussion between young designers and developers from both countries according to the De Olifantenkooi method. During this so-called Elefantenkäfig, propositions were formulated. They were then presented at the ‘Bauen im Bestand’ conference on 24 April. To make the presentation, Dutch and German professionals found out more about the differences in practice regarding empty buildings and re-use. There was enough material for discussion to arrange a return visit. The focus is on small-scale rental units in buildings earmarked for re-use. During the two-day programme, made possible by funding from Dutch DFA, participants in the Elefantenkäfig can share their knowledge and experience.

To participate, please sign up before 15 October by filling in the form under the button ‘aanmelden’. You can complete your registration by clicking on ‘verstuur’. This two-day excursion (drinks, lunch and hotel included) costs just 100 euro, excluding VAT, thanks to funding from DutchDFA. Admission is free for members of De Olifantenkooi (The Elephant Cage).

Click here for the programme

About De Olifantenkooi
De Olifantenkooi, the debate platform organised by Architectuur Lokaal, brings young developers, building clients and designers into contact with one another. It is an open platform in which everybody can take part in discussion and debate. This event takes place in different ways on an irregular basis. De Olifantenkooi is also the name of a strikingly designed pamphlet containing short texts that invite reflection. De Olifantenkooi/YD2M (Young Developers and Designers Meet), finally, is a group of developers and architects who come together at a very early stage to share their expertise. That results in refreshing design ideas in which feasibility is taken into consideration even in the concept plan.

This project was made possible thanks to funding from the DutchDFA programme. The Dutch Design Fashion Architecture (DutchDFA) programme aims to strengthen the international position of the Dutch creative industry in four focus countries, by building long-lasting international partnerships and focussing on topical issues and local demands.