English Summary – Architectuur Lokaal

nieuwsbericht | juni 8, 2023

What is Architectuur Lokaal?
Architectuur Lokaal (Fiscal code 801894761 / Chamber of Commerce 41133683) is an independent foundation that offers solutions for spatial problems in the Netherlands, in collaboration with central and local government, institutions, foundations, associations, private individuals, housing associations and all other relevant parties – and always with designers. The foundation was established in 1993 within the framework of the state cultural policy with the aim of providing information and implementing incentive programmes to promote local architecture policy, the quality of the built environment at municipal level and the quality of building patronage among all parties involved.

What do we want?
We want to facilitate a healthy building culture in a pluriform society. Building culture means more than architectural design. Building culture brings together cultural policy, architectural policy and development policy. Building culture covers spatial planning, urban design, infrastructural works by engineers and, in particular, architectural design and art in public space. Architecture is also a social, creative endeavour that can be art but is not so automatically. As a broad cultural notion, building culture is rooted in the history and tradition of a country or region. Building culture is not restricted to professionals, but is the responsibility of society as a whole and of building clients in particular.

What is our field of work?
Our field of work covers spatial interventions in cities, towns and rural areas throughout the Netherlands — in residential neighbourhoods, public spaces and physical heritage. In addition, we engage with all activities, developments and processes that influence our field of work, from the perspectives of politics, design and scores other professions.

Who are we?
We are a small organization with expertise, experience and an extensive network, active both nationally and internationally. We are committed to high-quality architecture – which is by no means a certainty in practice. In our activities we succeed in switching rapidly and contributing to tackling major social challenges. We function in an accessible and pragmatic way as an intermediary between all parties involved. Built results are achieved with our support.

What do we do?
In our increasingly complex society, in which building clients and development clients have to translate social challenges into built results, we supply expertise in the form of concrete assistance, familiarizing them with the potential of design so that they can make well-considered choices concerning their role within building culture. We offer continuity when it comes to what society needs in the long and short terms to ensure the continued development of Dutch building culture.

How do we pay for that?
We finance our work with state contributions, commissions, subsidies and donations.

What do we need? Independence, integrity and transparency are essential in order for us to do our work with and for all relevant parties, in an environment strongly influenced by major social and economic interests. Moreover, we always need strong design.

Architectuur Lokaal is a not-for-profit foundation and is registered as having charitable cultural status.

Architectuur Lokaal
KOMPAS light
Steunpunt Architectuuropdrachten & Ontwerpwedstrijden
The Fulcrum

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